bethpage students

Nine Bethpage High School earned medals at The Long Island Math Fair (LIMF) held on April 5 at Hofstra University. With an impressive turnout of 466 attendees out of the 497 registered students, representing 26 school districts across Long Island, the Math Fair truly lived up to its reputation as a premier event for young mathematicians.

The following students were recognized with medals for their exemplary research papers:

* Diya George Bebin - Codes and Ciphers

* Grace Cho - Math in the Construction of Musical Instruments

* Kamakshi Khemani - Derivatives

* Nikhil Peter - Conic Sections

* Anjali Ponugupati - Infinity

* Prushti Purohit - Quadrilaterals and Bretschneider's Formula

* Vidhi Sevak - Parametric Equations

* Dhriti Shah - Euler's Method in Space

* Elizabeth Thomas - How Trigonometry Can Help You Sleep Better

“The achievement of all nine students earning medals for their research papers is a testament to their hard work, dedication, and intellectual curiosity”, said Director of Mathematics, John Titola. “It is rare for every participating student to receive such recognition, underscoring the exceptional quality of their research and the rigorous judging process.”

The district congratulates these students for their hard work and remarkable achievement at The Long Island Math Fair.

bethpage students