Students greeting the Eagle mascot

Students and staff from Central Boulevard Elementary School celebrated their final Energy Bus assembly of the school year on June 15, 2023. Classes gathered outside on the school’s blacktop where they reviewed the Energy Bus rules that they had learned throughout the school year based on Jon Gordon’s children’s book “Energy Bus for Kids: A Story About Staying Positive and Overcoming Challenges.” 

Students participated in the Energy Bus program throughout the year, learning important rules to live by such as “fuel your ride with positive energy,” “drive with purpose,” and “you’re the driver of your own bus.” The program helps create a positive school culture as students become leaders. 

During the final assembly, staff members, including Central Boulevard Principal Dominique Siebert, held up signs to spotlight and review each Energy Bus rule that the students learned. The classes were then introduced to the tenth and final rule, “Enjoy the Ride.” 

School psychologist Dr. Louis Ricci and library media specialist Ashley Scotto served as emcees and spoke about the meaning of the new rule which encourages students to be present and positive. Several fourth and fifth grade students shared how they “enjoy the ride” and Assistant Principal Julianne Inghilterra announced the school’s Passengers of the Month. 

The assembly continued on a high note as students and staff danced to a few songs together before forming a conga line back into the school building, ready to take on the summer.