2022-23 CBS BOE

The Bethpage Board of Education held its meeting at Central Boulevard Elementary School on Tuesday, November 22, 2022. The evening consisted of a special presentation from Central Boulevard principal Dominique Siebert, assistant principal Julianne Inghilterra, and students about some of the great school-wide literacy programs and initiatives that are taking place this year.  

Ms. Siebert shared with the Board and the community that Central Boulevard classes participate in Book of the Month. One book is selected each month which is read aloud in each class to foster a community of literacy love. Along with Book of the Month, Ms. Siebert shared how the school creates Book Buddies, pairing younger students with older students to read together, discuss, and complete a related activity. The meet-up is not only fun for the students but allows them to deepen their comprehension of the book they are reading.

Ms. Siebert also presented on the school’s Writer’s Workshop. Each grade level focuses on a different writing unit to strengthen their skills and they follow a process. Several older students presented their exceptional writing pieces during the Board meeting and a video was played to showcase some of the writing activities that younger students have completed. Through this, the Board and community were able to see the progression of writing from one grade to the next.

Mrs. Inghilterra closed out the presentation with an overview about Central Boulevard’s Energy Bus program. The program promotes positive school culture through literature and is based on “The Energy Bus” by Jon Gordon. Students participate in monthly Energy Bus assemblies which coincide with a specific rule from Gordon’s book. Mrs. Inghilterra explained that students who behave as role models can earn a “Passenger of the Month” award and that positive classroom and school-wide activities take place each month to compliment that month’s “rule.” Seven students who earned the Passenger of the Month Award spoke during the Board meeting about what the program means to them.

The Bethpage Board of Education plans to host at least one board meeting at each school during the 2022-23 school year to learn more from administrators, students, and staff about all the great things happening in their buildings.